Posts tagged ‘Rafael Bahamón’

November 1, 2013

A terrible tragedy


The article 9/11 was a total tragedy for the city. Elise Cooper states that people died from a tiny thing that turned into a huge event. Families were in a total sadness. People said that they couldn’t believe what just happened and that it was heartbreaking to know there were people inside those buildings. They were beautiful buildings and the people inside were innocent. Their death happened in an extremely unfair way. With this article the author states that 9/11 was a memory which marked every person’s family in the city.

I think this is very touching and heartbreaking. I have never felt this sort of experience. I am very thankful that I have my family and feel very bad that this happened to our society. I think I can imagine how the people who lived the 9/11 feel.

Read the article

Rafael Bahamón 8A

October 31, 2013

Escape to paradise

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Rafael Bahamón 8A

October 25, 2013

People are like animals

In this video you can see some very funny things: the behavior of the animals in a party. You can appreciate the wild side of the world. You see humans acting like animals.

There is something interesting: the behavior of people is wild when they’re in a group, like the animals. The music in these videos doesn’t have any lyrics, but it has a lot of rhythm and it sounds good. I like it, it´s one of the most played songs in this moment, by one of the best DJ´s in the world.

Rafael Bahamón 8A

October 7, 2013

We are destroying the planet


A simple piece of trash can do a whole damage to our environment. People sometimes don’t notice how harmful this is, they are making big mistakes they don’t even notice. But when the world starts to change they will start to see how much harm they did, not only to ourselves but their society.

When people are eating they just leave their packages and never throw them away. This is starting to happen in many places, maybe at work, school, doing tourism, etc.   For example, if you go to the beach and you go a little far you can see how many plastic bottles, packages, and old stuff are in there. All those things that go to the beach is our fault, nobody else’s.  All those little plastic pieces kill animal in our community. The plastic wraps around fish kill them. People don’t see this is a very harmful situation, but imagine yourself being the fish… you would be dying.

People who really do care for our world are trying to look for solutions to make it a better place. It’s a very difficult thing to do because our society is a mess, they talk and talk and say they’re going to try but it’s not true. They don’t do it, they just talk and never show actions. People don’t apply consideration because they leave wrappers, gum, etc. in the middle of nowhere. Some people, on the other hand, are working on contamination campaigns to motivate people to try and save our world. Maybe people do not notice what they are doing to the world, but when something goes wrong with our environment society will regret they never made something to change our world.

Many articles state that pollution is another big contamination in our world. Cars, buses, and other transportation systems damage the air in our community. People may stop this by riding a bicycle, not using their cars that much, using more public services, etc. People do think this is a great idea but do not apply it for personal reasons.

In reality some people do want to change the environment but other don’t. To have a good and clean environment is better than having a trashy and messy one. To start and make a change, people need to change their mentalities, and start noticing the harm they are doing to our world, animals, and even to themselves.

Rafael Bahamón 8A

Image: David Evers – Wikimedia Commons

September 29, 2013

Run, chicken, run

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Rafael Bahamón 8A