Posts tagged ‘Santiago Barrios’

November 9, 2013

Don’t get wet

la foto (4)

Santiago Barrios 8A

November 1, 2013

Colombian talent

This video is special because it shows some typical music, cultures and places from Colombia. It was filmed in many places of the country, from indigenous zones to Bogota’s downtown and everyone is singing one song at the same time. The song is produced by an NGO (non-govermental organization) called Playing for Change that has been producing songs all around the world and the only song filmed in just one country is this one, in Colombia.

I think that this is a very interesting video because it is made by a famous international organization that showed interest in our country, to show Colombian talent to the world through music.

Santiago Barrios 8A

November 1, 2013

Curious (brave) fly

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Santiago Barrios 8A

October 23, 2013

“It’s Colombia, not Columbia”


It is a common mistake, and that’s why a group of marketing experienced Colombians, with the government support, are making this campaign with phrases like “The coffee you drank this morning might be from Colombia; Your outerwear might have been made by Columbia.”

The Facebook page of the campaign already has 20,300 likes and is still growing. The only purpose of the campaign is not quite to correct the grammar error; it is to take advantage of this, so foreigners and local people may have a better image of the country. “People outside of Colombia, especially in the United States, have a wrong impression of what Colombia is” said Zemoga’s vice-president Carlos Prado (a Colombian digital services company in the U.S.).

Lots of U.S. people are still thinking that Colombia is only drugs, Pablo Escobar, etc. But now Colombia has taken big steps in economy, culture, etc. and drug cartels and violence are less every year. That’s what this campaign is trying to say.

Something ironic is that artists and famous people sometimes write in Twitter or Facebook comments like “I’m so excited, I’m traveling to Columbia”. What they don’t know is the correct name of the country they are traveling to.

Santiago Barrios 8A

Read the original article here